Monday, August 6, 2012

Jesus said Love Everyone! Not Support Everyone!

Jesus said love everyone. That meant literally everyone, gays, nerds, geeks, prostitutes, murders, people who lie and steal in other words anyone and everyone.

He did not say, "Support everyone in any lifestyle they want to live." 

I love a lot of people, including my brother who has done some pretty awful things, does that mean I support him. Um no!

Now that is cleared up I'd like to say most people who do not want gay marriage legalized:

1. Are not homophobic. That implies fear. Most people have gay friends. (I do and they are some of my best friends.) We are not afraid of them and love them dearly why we don't want them to have the word marriage is discussed in the next paragraph.

2. We do not do this to make gays lives miserable. We believe Marriage by definition is between a man and a women. It isn't two people in love its between a man and a women. If gays want a ceremony with all that stuff involved with a wedding get your own flippin word, that means marriage and you will probably be passed as a legal union in every state with in a month.

3. 90% of people who don't want gay marriage, don't give a crap where they shop whether it helps gays or it doesn't. I will continue to support all the company's that sell stuff I like. Where they put the money is there business and frankly I don't give a damn. Also its the company's personal view!

What happened to it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round?

It's not like people are screaming burn the gays it simply they don't want them to take the word marriage.

Another worthy note the way gays react is often watched by those who don't care either way. A friend of mine recently commented to me he wished he could say, "Hey pro-gay people STFU! you only make people like me who don't care either way side against you." 

Gays and there supporters without realizing it turn away a big part of those who would support them by acting childish in a response to something not going there way.

This is my opinion, everyone is allowed to have one. Please have at least half a brain if you want to argue with me. And if you try to bring up some crap about the bible (suddenly everyone becomes a bible scholar after reading one part or hearing from someone else about this one part), creation or angels into the argument I will not be responding as that will be simply said to incite a fight. 


Bring up how ancient cultures accepted gays and how wonderful they are also. I'd beg you to remember they raped and abused women and children, that was also legal. (Oh and forgot killed women who miscarried. Killed children with disorders or if it was female and they didn't want it.) A women was dirt so I don't think highly of a culture who accepted gays and kept children as sex slaves and all that other crap.